Monday, November 14, 2011

New Blog!

I have a new blog!!! Join me on my new adventure :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

the mexican food

(sorry for the delayed updates!)

Day 10

Mexican food. Its probably the cuisine that I miss the most. But hey, we have enough of the same ingredients so we are improvise and do our own Vietnamese version of it! (Personally, I am grateful to be away from Mexican food...allow me to has forced me to learn how to make it, I mean really make it...actually make tortillas and pico de gallo instead of just buying them :)

I spent my friday night eating Vietnamese-Mexican food and hanging out with the good people of team awake...doesn't get much better.

Grace and peace and the third way,

Thursday, July 22, 2010

the pigs

Day 9

We delivered pigs to a village today! Livestock raising as a micro-enterprise is one of the many facets of our child sponsorship program.

We believe that though the child is the one "sponsored"- programming needs to be approached from the entire family point of view. Its great if a child is given a uniform and backpack to go to school...but if there is still not enough money within the household, they still might be required to stay home and work.

Through our livestock program, families are given an animal (most often a pig) which they are to breed and sell for profit. They are also given the pig with the understanding that they are to pass along two healthy pigs to a neighbor.

Pig delivery days are some of my favorite at AOGWR! It might be hard to imagine the kind of impact that one pig has on a family...this analogy was told to me by a friend this week and it really put it in different terms. A pig to some of these people is almost the equivalent of say a grocery gift card that is supplied monthly to a family in need...

Grace and peace and the third way,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

the graduation

Day 8

We had a SHINE graduation today! Shine is an incredible program that we do at AOGWR that speaks worth, purpose and value into girls (of all ages) lives. It is an 8 session course that is celebrated at the end by a nice luncheon. This particular course was sponsored by the church that I grew up in- Creekside Covenant. Besides the participants- my coworkers and team members of Awake (a team from APU) are also pictured here.

Grace and peace and the third way,

Monday, July 19, 2010

the see-you-later

Day 7

I said "see you later" to Becca today. My dear friend and sister gave up 5 weeks of her summer to come and stay with me here in Vietnam.

It was wonderful to have here her. She is another one of those people in my life, whose love teaches and consequently changes me.

I will miss her...but its only "see you later". Its only...on to the next chapter of our eternal friendship! :)

Grace and peace and the third way,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

the early morning

Day 6

Here is the sunrise from this morning. Incredible, right? And believe me...this picture doesn't even begin to do it justice. This is the view that I have the INCREDIBLE privilege of seeing pretty much every morning as I ride my bicycle.

Grace and peace and the third way,

the room

Day 5

This is my room-well, my side of the room. Audrey and I share a room at the new house (and have been blessed with the company of a third roommate for the past month as Becca has been with us).

Messy, yes...guilty as charged.

A perk of the new house is that we have AC in the bedroom-quite the luxury!!!

Grace and peace and the third way,